Remember – your house and James are your business – this is your job that God has blessed you with!
My parents with James
I don't know about you but I struggle with housework. I am not the most organised person in the world. So when it comes to making sure I am organised enough to keep my house running smoothly I find myself a bit lost in the jungle of clothes, dishes, toys and clutter.
This statement that my mum made has inspired me to take a different look at the way I think about things. I don't have a full-time job. I am a stay-at-home mum to my darling son James. What if I started organising my days as I would if I was working? If I was being paid to look after my house and my son I would put more effort into it and make sure things got done.
I have made myself a "Daily Do's" checklist of chores to do each day. These are the things that are done every day.
Prayer and Bible
Showered and Dressed
Load of washing
Get meat out for dinner
Make beds
Tidy bedrooms
Hang out washing
Exercise: walk, dancing with James,
Weekly do's
Prepare dinner
Dishes and kitchen tidy
5 minute clean up with James
Story's and songs
James' bedtime
Sweep house
I have also made myself a "Weekly Do's" checklist of chores that need to be done on certain days. I have split the housework up between the 5 working days in order that we can relax and enjoy family time on the weekends when Daddy's home.
Clean En-suite
Change beds
Write grocery list
Water plants
Master bed, James' windows
Mop floors
Clean laundry
Sweep garage and front porch
Organise sewing room
Sewing/guest room windows
Clean out fridge
Clean out car/vacuum
Water plants
Theatre/kitchen windows
Wipe kitchen cupboards
Clean out pantry
Clean oven/stove top
Cut James' nails
Organise bookshelf
Lounge/dining windows
Clean guest bathroom
Water plants
Laundry/bathroom windows
I leave you with one last quote from my smart mother:
Tidy House = Tidy Mind
So here's hoping this works! I'll let you know....
Wow that's alot to get done, good luck! I am inspired by your lists, they look alot like mine! I read this recently and God spoke to me, maybe you too:-)
ReplyDeleteFrom Julie hill( ask your mum)
Thanks Julie! That was a great read. Yes I know my list has lots on it but hopefully the idea is that with doing things more frequently rather than once in a full moon that the chore will be at a state that it's easy to just touch up. Eg - the bathrooms will be done each week so there won't be a big build up of grossness to deep clean!